Curious? Here’s how you can help.
Each year during the holidays, we send prayer flags into the worldm - ever hopeful. (Email us if you'd like one.) These inspire patrons to make a tax-deductible gifts to our 501(c) charitable fund - Bartlett Arboretum Society. Your contribution puts sap in our veins and keeps our roots growing deep. This endowment will see that the arboretum is sustained into a new century.
In addition, we proudly continue our association with The Legacy Regional Community Foundation in Winfield, Kansas - our long-standing, loyal fiduciary agent.
Proudly listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, Bartlett Arboretum continues to maintain and improve - thanks to the sustaining efforts of dozens of resourceful enthusiasts.
A small but devoted army of volunteers, the Soil Sisters and Brothers, tackle much of the gardening, design and maintenance.
Tree House Concert Sponsors help keep our music series alive – now for eight years.
Arb Angels are businesses, artisans and patrons who have given both in-kind and with gracious financial support, time and talents.